Jacksonville ISD Teacher and Employee of the Year Program

JISD and the Jacksonville Education Foundation sponsor the TOY and EOY program each spring.  Staff members on all campuses nominate and vote on a campus Teacher of the Year and any staff member may nominate for the Employee of the Year categories. 
An independent and anonymous committee meets and reviews each campus winner's biography, principal notes, and teacher philosophy.   Both a secondary (6th - 12th) district winner and an elementary (PK - 5) district winner are chosen by this committee.  
All TOY winners are presented with a $50.00 check from the Education Foundation and a beautiful plaque.  The Secondary and Elementary district winners are presented with a $500 stipend from JISD and a $500 stipend from the Education Foundation.  These district TOY winners are then submitted to the Region 7 Educational Service Center competition, which is in conjunction with the State of Texas Teacher of the Year program. 
The Employee of the Year categories are designed to recognize employees who exhibit exemplary performance in their jobs that are not classroom instruction.  Auxiliary EOY includes maintenance, custodial, food service, and bus drivers.  Para-professional EOY includes secretaries, classroom aides, library aides, nurses aides, and receptionists. 
A Non-Teaching Professional employee includes directors, principals, counselors, assistant principals, strategists, and academic coaches. 
The Employee of the Year candidates may be nominated by any staff member. Committees of staff members chosen at random are divided into three groups to review the nominations for the different categories.  The names of the committee members remain anonymous and change annually.  
The EOY winners are surprised on campus by a team of administrators and announced as the winners.  They are also awarded a $500 stipend from JISD along with a $500 stipend from the Foundation.
Teachers of the Year and Employees of the Year are recognized at Convocation as the following year kicks off, and pictures are displayed in a place of honor at the JISD Administration Office.