Gifted and Talented Service Design
Gifted and Talented services at Jacksonville ISD are designed for students who are identified as gifted and talented according to Jacksonville ISD ‘s identification procedures. Program service design will include one or more of the following options:
- Pull-out Part-time services in a classroom, other than the student’s regular class, that take place on a regular schedule provided by a gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update trained teacher.
- 1st-4th grade weekly pull-out class
- 5th-6th Tribe class
- Full-time Inclusion The student receives a majority of their core subjects from a specific teacher or teachers with gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update training, but the classes may include peers who are not identified as gifted /talented. *ALL K-12
Elementary (K-6) Full-Time Inclusion & Pull-Out Class
1. G/T students in Kindergarten will receive services from their G/T trained classroom teacher no later than March 1st.
2. G/T students in 1st -6th grade will be clustered with gifted peers in their regular classroom, taught by a G/T trained teacher.
3. G/T students in 1st-6th grade will participate in a pull-out program which is structured, modified, and/or accommodated to meet their individual strengths and interests and is based on the four core areas. Opportunities for students to participate in experiences that lead to the development of advanced-level products will be provided.
Middle School – (7-8) Full-Time Inclusion
1. G/T students at the middle school level are clustered and are enrolled in honors courses where they receive services from a G/T Trained teacher in the 4 core areas, or areas in which the student is identified as gifted.
2. Additional opportunities such as UIL and specialized events related to the strengths and interests of gifted students may be provided.
3. G/T students identified as gifted in Math will be enrolled in Advanced Math in 7th grade and Algebra I in 8th grade.
4. The district may integrate the Texas Performance Standards Projects or other experiences that lead to the development of advanced-level products for gifted/ talented students in a variety of ways
High School (9-12) Full-Time Inclusion
1. G/T students at the high school level may participate in inclusionary programs which are structured, modified, and/or accommodated to meet their individual strengths and interests and are based in the four core areas. These programs may include Honors, Pre-AP/Advanced Placement (AP), Dual Credit, On-Ramps/Dual enrollment, or certain CTE classes. Students may also be accelerated by taking a general education course designed for students one or more grade levels above the gifted student. Opportunities for students to participate in the Texas Performance Standards Projects or other experiences that lead to the development of advanced-level products will be provided.
2. Additional opportunities such as UIL and specialized events related to the strengths and interests of gifted students may be provided.
3. The district may integrate the Texas Performance Standards Projects or other experiences that lead to the development of advanced-level products for gifted/ talented students in a variety of ways.